CACI International has paved the way in antiageing, skin rejuvenation and problematic skin solutions for over two decades. The treatments are often described as the ‘red-carpet beauty secret’ and have attracted an impressive celebrity following including royalty, film stars, super models, beauty editors and make-up artists from around the globe. They use the latest technological and scientific advancements to offer a range of treatment systems, which have been specifically developed to provide tailored solutions for men and women of all ages and skin types. The treatment systems are at the forefront of aesthetic treatment technology. “T h e U K’s m o s t e f f e c t i v e A n t i - A g e i n g T r e a t m e n t s”
Professional Beauty Magazine Survey
During the treatment, tiny electrical impulse signals are transmitted to gently tighten and tone the facial muscles whilst encouraging the production of collagen and elastin. Skin is beautifully toned and texture is improved leaving the face with a wonderful glow and a firmer, more supple appearance.
Effective anti-ageing
Lifts & Tones facial muscles
Reduces lines/wrinkles
Leaves skin feeling radiant and firmer
CACI facials can be for either:-
Single for £65 or Receive a £30 discount if you pre-book a course of TEN treatments, costing only £620.

Please Contact Me to discuss further